tirsdag den 21. april 2009
My Manic & I by Laura Marling.
Laura Marling makes beautiful songs and lyrics.. especially when you think she was only 15/16 when she wrote this song.
torsdag den 16. april 2009
mister lonely

ikke bare er dette den vakreste filmen jeg har sett på lenge
jeg kunne godt tenke meg å gifte meg med diego luna også
det hadde vært helt greit for meg det

filmscript available from nieves
onsdag den 1. april 2009
the science of sleep or this dream people call human life
Nowadays we are making a short movie in class. We have a whole month for it, or at least until the 20. april if we want to enter it to a filmfestival that has its deadline then.
It has to be about dreams or sleep. I kind of came up with that idea. An idea that I now curse (well, not really). It is an okey theme, because it gives all 9 of us the oppurtunity to make something that will be completely personal. But I find it quite hard to make something that wont be too abstract / over the top or even under the top. I thought writing my own story would be fairly easy, since I love writing so much, but it turns out to be quite the nut.
I have always shown a perticular interest in dreams, and I believe that they are of a very high significance for who we are or who we are subconsciously deep deep down. I do not believe that dreams are attempts to conceal your true/suppressed feelings from the waking mind like Freud advocates, but rather that they are windows to your unconscious in more of a spiritual way, like Jung talks about.
I am reading alot about dreams and watching documentaries about them and also regular films on the topic these days, to kind of dig in to the depths of dreams and see if I can find inspiration (for my little short film) there. I therefore thought that a list of the -in my opinion- best movies on the theme of dreams were in place.
1. Akira Kurosawa's Dreams (1990)
One of the dreams, The Tunnel:
Most of the other dreams in the movie can be found as shorts on youtube.
2. The Quay Brothers - Institute Benjamenta or This Dream People Call Human Life (1995)
The classroom dance:
3. Michel Gondry - The Science of Sleep (2006)
- Not sure which placement to give this. It is probably in a class of its own.
Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali - Le Chien Andalou (1929)
and I havent seen these yet (or too long ago to remember)
-joseph rubens dreamscape (1984)
-richard linkletters waking life (2001)
-alfred hitcocks spellbound (1945)
-wes cravens nightmare on elm street (1984)
-stanley kubricks eyes wide shut (not sure if this really is about dreams)
-cameron crows vanilla sky (not sure if this one is either..?)
-vincent wards what dreams may come (1998)
It has to be about dreams or sleep. I kind of came up with that idea. An idea that I now curse (well, not really). It is an okey theme, because it gives all 9 of us the oppurtunity to make something that will be completely personal. But I find it quite hard to make something that wont be too abstract / over the top or even under the top. I thought writing my own story would be fairly easy, since I love writing so much, but it turns out to be quite the nut.
I have always shown a perticular interest in dreams, and I believe that they are of a very high significance for who we are or who we are subconsciously deep deep down. I do not believe that dreams are attempts to conceal your true/suppressed feelings from the waking mind like Freud advocates, but rather that they are windows to your unconscious in more of a spiritual way, like Jung talks about.
I am reading alot about dreams and watching documentaries about them and also regular films on the topic these days, to kind of dig in to the depths of dreams and see if I can find inspiration (for my little short film) there. I therefore thought that a list of the -in my opinion- best movies on the theme of dreams were in place.
1. Akira Kurosawa's Dreams (1990)
One of the dreams, The Tunnel:
Most of the other dreams in the movie can be found as shorts on youtube.
2. The Quay Brothers - Institute Benjamenta or This Dream People Call Human Life (1995)
The classroom dance:
3. Michel Gondry - The Science of Sleep (2006)
- Not sure which placement to give this. It is probably in a class of its own.
Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali - Le Chien Andalou (1929)
and I havent seen these yet (or too long ago to remember)
-joseph rubens dreamscape (1984)
-richard linkletters waking life (2001)
-alfred hitcocks spellbound (1945)
-wes cravens nightmare on elm street (1984)
-stanley kubricks eyes wide shut (not sure if this really is about dreams)
-cameron crows vanilla sky (not sure if this one is either..?)
-vincent wards what dreams may come (1998)
dans paris
I am liking Christophe Honorés movies more and more. yesterday I watched the movie called Dans Paris. I must admit I liked Chansons d'amour a little bit more. but just a little bit.
here is the trailer:
and one tiny part of it. the last part of this clip is so good.
here is the trailer:
and one tiny part of it. the last part of this clip is so good.
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