torsdag den 1. juli 2010

jean cocteau / and why one should learn french and german

read a couple of his plays a few weeks ago when I was in sweden, and I cant wait to read more. too bad that not everything he wrote has been translated from french. I guess I just have to learn french (again).
one of the plays I read was this one: the human voice. here acted by ingrid bergman

this is a different documentary than the one I posted before.. this one is called jean cocteau - autobiography of an unknown artist. it is very very good. I love this guy.

the main reasons to learn french:
to read christophe honorés books
to read antonin artaud
to read jean cocteau

main reasons to learn german:
to be able to listen to thepodcast Im Sumpf from FM4 (subscribe in itunes)
to read the michael ende things that hasnt been translated
to listen to german rapgroup: blumentopf
to read christian kracht
to watch top notch theaterperfomances
to listen to poet/musician/greatnessguy: peter licht

(most of these german tips come from my good friend leander)

feel free to make similar lists in the comments-field. more reasons to learn french/german/another language?

leander adds the following reasons to learn german: Thomas Bernhard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Einstürzende Neubauten, Texta, Werner Herzog, Ulrich Seidl, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Burg Theater Wien, Volksbühne Berlin, Die Sendung ohne Namen, Element of Crime.
(however; Herzog, Fassbinder and Seidl are possible to get translated)

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