I was looking through the vilsbøl de arce lookbook and came over something very familiar. the dress I bought several years ago in wood wood with a mysterious N or double W as its brand (that I couldnt quite figure out who made back then) seems to have been made by the talented copenhagenbased design duo vilsbøl de arce.
more images from the lookbook. the model is by the way my friend emma leth.
-dubbe tegnefilm -spille i film -lage film -lese inn lydbøker -lese eventyr for barn -skrive barnebok -skrive voksenbok -jobbe med mennesker som har det vanskelig (helst som psykolog, men det er sånn en lang utdannelse) -starte et teater -regissere teaterstykker -lage musikk
-lære meg flere instrumenter -se en hel masse film -lese en hel masse bøker -bli kvitt flyskrekken min sånn at jeg enklere kan reise rundt -bo på landet i et stort hus -bo i samme by som favorittmenneskene/vennene/familien min
trailer for christophe honorés la belle personne (2009) in french
christophe honoré never lets me down (well, not with the movies he has both written and directed himself anyway). I saw this movie last night and havent been able to let it go since. it actually made me long back to high school, which I normally NEVER do. a very good watch.
the whole movie is available on youtube with english subtitles (although this is not how I watched it)
leste denne i går. koste meg stort med deler av den og lo høyt et par ganger. de gangene jeg ikke koste meg stort kom det også noe produktivt ut av det, det var nemlig en god del namedropping på forfattere jeg ikke har lest som jeg skrev ned navnene på og kan sjekke ut. tror audun, som forfatteren heter, har god smak. det virket sånn.
jeg kommer sikkert til å lese den igjen. ihvertfall noen av diktene. jeg kjente meg veldig igjen og tror egentlig jeg og forfatteren er ganske like. (kanskje alle som leser den tenker nettopp det)
kalr-ove knausgård won the bragepris (a norwegian literary award) for the first out of six books about his life. I am really excited and cant wait to read them. hope someone will give one to me for christmas.
a girl visiting my flatmate has number one in her arms and I catch myself sending long (longing) gazes in its direction.
for now I will have to settle with his previous book; en tid for alt, that I will begin reading tonight.
tomorrow pia is coming to visit, and I think we are gonna have a splendid time. this is pia:
Jeg ble skuffet over Trash Humpers. Ville ikke si det før du så den, men syntes den falt mellom alle stolene. Ikke provoserende, ikke nyskapende, ikke tankevekkende etc. Skulle det være morsomt? Skulle det være “intriguing”? Jeg vet ikke. Legger jeg godviljen til kan jeg jo si at den sier noe om det å være ung i suburbs i amerika; at det er så lite å ta seg til at ungdom tyr til både fysisk og mental destruksjon. Men helt ærlig, så syntes jeg ikke filmen ga meg så mye… hva med deg?
Warning: lang, pirkete mail ahead.
Jeg ble også kjempeskuffet. Jeg er en stor Harmony Korine fan (les: var), men dette ble altså heelt feil. Noen av tingene var visuelt pleasing, men det ga ikke så mye mer. Jeg tenkte på at om det hadde vært en billedserie så hadde jeg sikkert likt den. Men å ha så sinnsykt lange scener der de gjør det samme om og om igjen, og totalt intetsigende replikker, og også ganske dårlig skuespill, det ble bare neii.
Man skjønte så lett hvem som var leid inn, hvem som var “ekte” freaks og hvem som var hvem bakom maskene. Syntes dessuten Rachel Korine, hans kone, gjorde en god jobb i begynnelsen, men så raknet det mer og mer og hun holdt ikke på samme karakteren gjennom hele filmen. I slutten, når hun har sin (og Harmonys) baby i armene og synger for den, så er det hennes egen stemme og kroppspråk og ikke karakterens i det hele tatt. Samme når hun gjør “yoga-øvelser”.
Jeg syntes kanskje de 5 første minuttene var morsomme, men etterhvert ble jeg skikkelig lei den irriterende latteren til jeg-personen og ville holde for ørene, og det idiotiske mantraet: make it, make it, dont break it. Nei uff.
Det er jo ofte gjennom monologene at Harmony er “dyp” eller litt småfilosofisk, men disse var bare totalt crap!!! Han som snakker om å ikke ha hode, han overspiller noe vakent teatralsk (jeg liker jo egentlig teater, men det passet ikke her), og han som danser rundt på broa iført housekeeper kostyme, han har manuset i hånden!!! (det kan i prinsippet også være et greit grep, litt meta-aktig, men her ble det bare feil/upassende) og det han sier er ikke engang bra.
Også er det Harmonys lille bilkjøringsmonolog om at han kan lukte hvordan folk har det. Det kunne vært bra, men det var det ikke. Jeg ser mange muligheter som har potensiale, men som bare blir totalt feilslått.
Jeg skjønner ikke hvordan folk jublende kan ta imot den dritten her. Jeg synes det er rart de ikke har gjennomskuet den/ham. Det er bare svada! Prøver å være dypt, men er supergrunt.
Jeg var irritert og hadde vondt i ørene da jeg gikk ut. Jeg tenker at det sikkert var gøy for han og kona å ta på seg de maskene og løpe rundt og leke freaks, men vi andre kunne vært spart for det. Jeg ble skikkelig, skikkelig provosert. På en måte litt fornærmet. Tror han virkelig at vi er så dumme?
Noe positivt dog: -Et godt absurd øyeblikk syntes jeg det var med stripperne som synger. Det var så og si det eneste jeg syntes kunne måle seg med hans tidligere “verk”, og omtrent den eneste gangen jeg trakk på smilebåndet. Litt morsomt også med han som “trener” magemusklene, og litt morsomt med stepping. Trash humping og trerunking var gøy den første gangen, ellers synes jeg det meste var jævlig drøyt. Og det bare skikkelig dårlig drøyt.
-Det aller beste med hele filmopplevelsen var egentlig takketalen de viste før filmens begynnelse direkte fra Harmony til københavnpublikum siden han vant hovedprisen på cph:DOX. Han var bandasjert, på krykker og med en flaske whiskey i hånden, og snakket om at cph:DOX var yndlingsfestivalen hans. Man kunne lese mellom linjene at han overhodet ikke hadde hørt om festivalen før, sikkert ikke engang vært i Danmark. Derfor ble det litt morsomt. Dette var altså høydepunktet av hele filmopplevelsen.
Once upon a time there was a band called Trio Lligo. They broke up in 1996, and I thought I would never get to see them live. However, they played two comeback concerts the last few years, and I had the pleasure to see them during Umeås MADE Festival 2009. They played with a full orchestra and it was a completely mindblowing experience. I remember I was really sick, but went there with a full on fever because I knew that it might be my only chance of seeing them live.
I have covered one of their songs. It is the one in swedish on my myspace profile. One of the guys from Trio Lligo was a part of the debate in Riksdagen when the IPRED-law was discussed. They asked me if they could play my version of their song in Riksdagen. Honored, I of course said yes to that. I dont know how or what was said in relations to it, but I find it quite amusing nonetheless.
The singer in Trio Lligo also has a solo career as Tor Lundmark. He makes great music and his lyrics are very poetic. I will enclose some of his poems (in swedish) that I really like:
played the other day in Copenhagen, but I missed it.
When I lived in Umeå I saw them play pretty often. They are one of my absolute favourite bands and they consist of the sweetest people you can ever imagine. I recommend their album "Vår del av stan".
to be the motion actor,
two broken strings, attracted,
to groom my face in life and doom
hesitate to throw a coin in,
a wish could be a bad thing,
my mouth is just a mush of drool
standing on the bridge i
wink at you from up high
a talking fish comes as she moves
i want to be like water
and never need a doctor
and carve the earth without my tools
(do it all)
all the things that i relate to well,
like authors and painters
transparent paper wings
that float above me while i sleep
to make the room more natural
so we could die in it and die in it and die
the color after sunset
you'd do anything to jinx it,
it'll crush your sculpture just like a willow
he doesn't need a house
his shoes will walk for miles
there's a gypsies face maked on my pill.
i want to be like water and slip into your throat
and make you feel alive and good
i want to be like water and never have a doubt and
reflect what is around my pool
(do it all)
all the things that i relate to them
like authors and painters,
transparent paper wings
that float above me while i sleep
to make the room more natural
so we could die in it and die in it and die.
and all the dreams that i awake to read like ghostly paintings
and all the things i hate, i wish i didn't have to hate
to find a room thats natural
to live and die in it, live and die, live and die.
i don't think you know just what you're doing
you pretend to know exactly all the things you keep on moving
said i don't think i know exactly what i'm doing
but i tend to know exactly all the things you keep on moving
when you wake up from your snoozin'
i'll tell you how to do it my way
i'll tell you what I'm doin'
there's a knife up in the drawer
anybody try to stop it
and i'll find out where you're stompin'
and it's all about the days you spend
well, i'll be at our home
Designer Tom Ford is debuting as a director. The trailer is oh-so beautiful and makes me long to see this movie, badly. Sorry for the cropping, maybe you should click it to view the whole thing.
I am so charmed by this actor. He did such an amazingly good job in Inglourious Basterds. If you haven't seen this movie yet, you should definitely go do it. I want to see it again and again and again. I also cant wait to see Christoph Waltz in other movies. What a talent!
there is a possibility that you might not find this any good but I love it. his lyrics, his style. BARR.
interview here:
In the midst of tripping out about everything I realized I don't know what I'm doing. Tried to hit, I mean, hit the town like a ton of bricks. Hit a few sparks a little too hard, maybe it was too much, A little bit uncomfortable, A little bit sad. Kind of, I mean, it was, but, a little bit confusing, even sort of mad but, Still kind of amped on the drum and ambiguity . I don't know how to do this so I'll be upfront. I'm kind of worthless right now, due to circumstance, As anything more than a person just to sleep with. I can't be a boyfriend but I promise to be a considerate one-night stand. Well, I said that once and it really didn't work Even though I meant it but I guess I don't really know anyone who wants to hear that. Well, maybe, I don't really mean it 'Cause I like people too much Even if what I have to offer is not really enough or anything more than You say you don't care Your needs are pretty much the same. You really don't want to date. You really just want to hang out. You two don't get attached And I just can't either. Okay great but it seems too good and I feel a need to reassert that the, uh, you know, my batteries are drained And goods are damaged, mine, I'm in need of that and that. Maybe this whole thing I did was naive and hurtful to approach you but It really seems like you're not tripping but then I start seeing stuff that's kind of not even there. I'm bugging out, like, Hey, what's up? Um, I know it's casual but, uh, Are you screwing my friend? Um, wait, I guess it's all okay, we're all friends and, so, uh, you know, We're all just friends But if you two are doing it, I wonder, like, Is he asking the same? I'm sorry, though. It's really none of my business. You could d- oh, you're not even doing that? Okay, no, you wouldn't. I'm sorry. Nevermind. Um, okay, uh.
Frank Lande has written 2 books and is working on another that might come next fall. I am not sure if any of his books are available in english, but I hope they will be at some point.
I started out with his most recent book, Intervjuer, a book full of interviews basically. In the beginning I thought they were real-life interviews, but after reading a couple I realized they were probably purely fictional. They were so spot-on, specially the interview with the two girls who discuss the problem of emotional and cuddly men. I was laughing out loud more than once. The last interview is with a girl who is afraid of flying and she talks about how depressed people or people with anxiety are basically just really, really selfish. I wont reveal the ending of that interview which I found particularly clever, but the author seems to be discussing the issue of selfishness in both of his books. How these times we live in make us naturally more and more self-focused and narcissistic.
His first book is called Frank Lande (like himself) and is dealing with such a tragic issue as loosing a family member in an accident. He has written the book backwards sort of, with each chapter going back in time. Even if the book is basically about the loss of someone near/dear, it is excellently funny and sharp. Frank's stay at the mental hospital, and the part where he accidentally hits Bertine Zetlitz are so fun and cleverly written. I also loved the part where he randomly saves Kim Hiorthøys life in Barcelona, and Kim Hiorthøy in return lets him in on his secret of productivity: cloning, so Frank clones himself in order for the clone to hang out with his girlfriend and friends, while he is at home writing and making music.
I also just love the way he phrases himself: At some point he is (loosely translated from my head) "sitting down and looking around, on the chair, on the table he usually put things on so he doesn't have to bend all the way down to the floor each time he needs something," and he is wondering what the hell he is doing. Here he is being apathetic and depressed straight after his brothers tragic death, but the description of the table just made me laugh out loud. It was so random. Perhaps I am easily amused and you wont find it a tad funny.
Well, anyhow, if you understand norwegian and this sounds interesting to you, you should try picking up one of his books. Inteviews can be bought through Flamme Forlag here and the other one, Frank Lande, is probably either in your bookshop, somewhere on the internet or at your local library. You can read one of his interviews here to get a feeling of the tone in the book. Quite refreshing, I'd say.
For the rest of you, lets hope these books will be translated into your language! They are great fun and probably the best and most spot-on reads I have had all year.
I found this recent interview and thought it was pretty cute/funny.
I am so excited about this page! Right now you can watch movies Martin Scorsese has picked out for free! Such a great idea this is, and pretty layout aswell. I love everything about it.
I really feel like writing bookreviews here. I have read so much over the summer, but problem is, what I read is mostly in norwegian and I dont even know if these guys have been translated to the english. I am therefore thinking that I could start writing bookreviews in norwegian and perhaps translate parts to english. afterall norwegian is my native language and the language I am most comfortable with. do we have any readers that understand norwegian?
Just like Melanie like it when the faroese do good. (I also like it when the faroese do good)
And right now both the faroese Barbara i Göngini and the norwegian Veronica B Vallenes seem to be doing a pretty fair job in Copenhagen at least. (I'm not even there, I just read some danish fashionblogs).
These pictures of the norwegian designer Veronica B Vallenes have been borrowed from anywho.
Perhaps it's not something new entirely, but definitely something I would like to wear.
The shoes here look like shoes I have been drooling over over at fourthandbleeker before. so badly that I bought the first and best 90s geometric shoes I could find in a secondhandshop. They were white. I wore them once.